Welcome to my little corner of the gay erotic romance universe . . . well, half of it, anyway. (You can find the other half at RachelHaimowitz.com.) This is the place to come for sneak previews of new projects, release information, and the occasional M/M book review. I'll also share thoughts on the industry on occasion, and I hope you'll come share yours in return.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Ask an Author, the Floor Is Yours!

Greetings all, and as the Chaplain Skeptic says . . . Please accept with no obligation, expressed or implied, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low stress, non addictive, gender neutral, celebration of the inter solstice holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasions of your choice, or secular practices of your choice, with respect for the religious/secular persuasions and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all.

*deep breath*

Now, as I prepare for the ancient and hallowed Jewish Christmas tradition of Chinese food and a movie, I open the floor to you, my readers, to pepper me with questions for the upcoming Anchored blog tour. One of the stops will be an Ask the Author day, where I answer said questions sent to me beforehand, and any I have time for that pop up during the tour stop day, as well.

So (she says, feeling horribly narcissistic for assuming you must be buring with unanswered questions about me, my life, my writerly habits, my books, my characters, my pets, my wilderness acreage in North Carolina, my weird "Three Mile Island" toes [as my ex used to say, referring merely to the second toe being longer than the first]), hit me. Ask anything at all you want, no matter how silly or serious or anywhere in between. Leave your questions in the comments and I'll do my best to answer as many as I can.

What's in it for you, you say? Aside, of course, from the endless gratification mild interest of chatting with your idol your favorite author that random chick on the internet who keeps writing about boys kissing? SWAG, of course! One question-writer will be picked at random to receive a swag package with some fun Anchored and Counterpoint products. Or, at the winner's choice, an ebook copy of Counterpoint instead, because both Guiltless Pleasure Publishing and Noble Romance Publishing are awesome and generous and are giving me tons of books and prizes to give away for this tour.

So ask ask ask away. Put your questions in the comments between now and January 10, 2011. Be sure you leave an email addy if you comment anon so I can reach you if you win a fabulous prize. And most importantly, have a  happy celebration of the inter solstice holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious or secular persuasions of your choice.


  1. *laughs at this entire post* I will have to come back for question asking, when I'm done totally cracking up. =D

  2. Hai thar Rachel! Very clever post...anyway, my question is this. As someone who writes m/m with bondage, do you identify more with your dom or sub character? Or are their heads equally easy to slip into for you?

  3. Is the reason he's your ex because he made fun of your toes? Ida crowned his brainpan for sure.

    btw...I dig the cover for Counterpoint. Was that supplied to you, drawn by someone at the publishers, drawn by you? Bought? Stolen?

    Enjoy your Chinese--Whatcha get?

    Not sure I peppered you with enough questions...you might just be slightly salted.

    All my best,

  4. How difficult was it to take that first (or 100th) idea and actually created an entire story from it? My brother and I were just discussing how difficult we find it to go from idea/outline to actual story.

  5. LOL Allure, no, it wasn't because of the toes :-p

    And thanks all for the questions so far. Keep 'em coming!

  6. What is it about male relationships that draws you to writing about this subject most?
    Nancy Carbajal :D

  7. I'm always interested in the research/time investment that goes into stories. What do you take the time to research? What don't you? Does the amount of research something may take influence your choice of topics when outlining a story?

  8. Bleh, I never tried using my wordpress account ID before, and it didn't let me put my name instead of the domain, but yeah, it's Adara from GR. =)

  9. Hi Rachel!
    {looks around}
    Very nice, easy on my eyes too. Good job on the new blog.
    Okay, I finally thought of some {rather lame} questions for you. But in my defense, I think I’ve already asked you most everything I had wanted to know.

    I’m always curious where people find their inspiration. So I want to know where you get your plot ideas. Are they just floating around up there in the gray matter? Do you sit in Central Park and make up stories about the people that pass by in your head…You know…Got an odd source of inspiration you feel like sharing?

    When you choose a character’s name does the actual meaning hold any weight for you, or is it just an aesthetic preference kind of thing?

    Are you an emotional wreck after you beat your boys senseless like you did in Counterpoint and Anchored? {can I say that I read Anchored already O_o} I’m curious because as a reader I have to take a deep breath, hold it, maybe chant ‘don’t cry-don’t cry,’ and try not to wince with each blow. That’s a pretty big emotional reaction for me so I want to know what it’s like from the writers end.

    And finally, because I really really want to know too, is Nathie is doing the cover for Crescendo: Book II of Song of the Fallen also? {crossing fingers}


    Ps-Don’t put me in the drawing. I’ve all your books :D just asking silly questions because its fun.

  10. Hi Rachel,
    Have I ever said before that I love your posts? I was never good with asking questions (it's the main reason why I don't see myself as a journalist in the nearest future), but I'll try :).

    1. Do you have any favourites authors that inspired your writing?

    2. How does look your typical writing day? Do you write in the mornings, evenings or it doesn't matter to you.

    3. Are your characters based on people who you know in "real" life?

    4. There was already a question why you've decided to write about male relationships, but I'd like to ask what draws you to BDSM genre (my poor language skills, I hope you'll understand what I've wanted to ask in this question :).


  11. @Ronnie: Glad to hear you like it here, and thanks much for stopping by and asking some questions! (Watch your inbox for a beta request, coming soon.)

    @Barbara: Thanks for the kind words! I've read a lot of boring blogs in my time, and a lot of really funny ones. I'm hoping I'll fall into the second category for my readers, rather than the first. We'll see how long that lasts :-p

    And your language skills? Absolutely fine. Keep the questions coming if you have them; I'm hoping to have enough for three posts' worth of Q&As :D

  12. D'oh, I completely forgot to do the prize drawing for this post on time. But, random # generator says . . . JenB! Congrats, Jen! Drop me an email at metarachel at gmail dot com to arrange your swaggy goodness :D


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