My other rare occurrence is that I finished the first draft of a novel today--Power Play: Awakening, the sequel to Power Play: Resistance and the final novel in the two-book BDSM kinkapalooza that is the Power Play series. That happens more than once every four years, thank God, but not so much that it isn't worth a moment's celebration :-) So to my lovely co-author Cat Grant and to all you lovely readers out there, I say Yay! and Thank you for sticking it out with me. I wish I could celebrate by showing you cover pretties for PPA (to the left are some cover pretties for PPR, so you can see why I'm so anxious to see what our brilliant artist will come up with next!), but how about a brief snippet of sneak-preview smut, instead? :-D
Its, erm, pretty smutty--and also D/s; our poor sub is getting covered in clothespins--so, sneak peek beneath the jump. Before I cut to that, though, just a quick note that I'll be drawing the winner of the Nook from my Valentine's Day Spread the Love contest at the same time I draw the winner of the three free books for the Leap Year Blog Hop contest :-) Now then, smut beneath the jump!