Welcome to my little corner of the gay erotic romance universe . . . well, half of it, anyway. (You can find the other half at RachelHaimowitz.com.) This is the place to come for sneak previews of new projects, release information, and the occasional M/M book review. I'll also share thoughts on the industry on occasion, and I hope you'll come share yours in return.

Monday, January 31, 2011

A Moment of Squee, and Live Chat Radio!

Morning folks. I'm pretty wrapped up in Crescendo right now, but I didn't want to leave you with nothing today. So I'm taking both the easy and the horn-tooting way out by sharing with you all an upcoming event and a moment of squee.

First, tonight's event:

This evening at 11 p.m. eastern time, I'm calling in to a live internet radio show/podcast at Other Worlds of Romance. Which means you too can call in live, ask me something horrifically embarrassing, and catch me out on the air. Doesn't that sound like fun? :-p I'm told I'll be doing a reading from Anchored, and also taking questions. I'm looking forward to this with a mix of excitement and sheer terror, and I really hope you'll join me there. The call-in number is (646) 727-2932. I'd love to meet all you lovelies voice to voice!

Next, my moment of squee (click to enlarge):

Today I have two books in AllRomanceEbook's Top 5 Sci-Fi/Fantasy Bestseller List! :D It's been like this a few days now, but to be honest, I kind of kept waiting for it to disappear. Since it hasn't . . . *SQUEE!*

And of course this is all because of you wonderful folks, who have so generously decided my work is worth spending your hard-earned cash on. I know times are tight and budgets for life-sustaining necessities luxuries like ebooks are small, so thank you all--thank you thank you thank you--for helping to make it possible for me to keep doing what I love.

/lovefest :D


  1. I'm pouting. I want to call and ask you horrifically embarrassing questions. I don't know what exactly, I'm too busy pouting. Stupid computer won't let me play! I think I'm whining too. Pouting AND whining. Great. There goes my mean badass image.

    I'll just have to come embarrass you next time. Hope you had fun :)

  2. This was probably for the best, dear ;-) But you may come embarrass me any time you wish.

  3. Congratulations, Rachel ~ how happy you must be!

  4. Thanks kindly, Ursula! I'm definitely excited about the whole thing :D Makes me want to hurry the heck up and get those sequels out.


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